Monday, July 4, 2011

My Stuff for this Free Day

Finally! For this day...

  1. Did a morning exercise
  2. I have installed my Kanji learning software
  3. Gave my bed stuff a sunshine
  4. Downloaded RF Online texture editing tool

What's next?

  1. Download and print tutorials for web development and computer programming
  2. Read a book
  3. Get Kylie Minogue's music
  4. Clean the mouse cage
  5. Clean the rabbit cage
  6. Clean my doll shoes
  7. Finish the Grand Chase Fan Art
  8. Claim my package from LBC
First day of free day after my OJT at Nikkoshi Philippines Corporation. I'm missing my friends there already. Anyways, after this post, I will be resting for a while then back to my tasks.


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