Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pretty Hectic and Tired

I'm pretty hectic and tired for this week...

First thing, I'm doing my Kokoro Flight project for my sake of my will to learn using After Effects and making my own music. The next target for the Kokoro Flight project the integration of lyrics to the music itself. Then I also need to learn the 3D animation for the MV. Character design and storyline must be drafted and created.

Second thing, the parochial Holy week activities. I have mass services and some song choreographing along with my two sisters and my choirmate to the parochial kids on my uncle's parish.

Lastly, house chores... This can't be ignored...

Hope to accomplish these things along with my other planned vacation stuffs...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Cyst Removal's Done

I went on a medical operation about an hour ago to remove a cyst on my back and it went well. I was just talking with surgeons and assistants while the operation's on going. Then few minute later, I saw the removed cyst on the tray with some equipment. On what I heard, one equipment there was called iris by the doctor. Anyways... The cyst is that what I saw is a white with red thingy which is somewhat hard when touched. Well... Good thing the cyst was removed. :p

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 People That Inspires Me

I wanna share these people that boosts my well being to be the best of I am again. I call them the "3AM"... 3 People whose names start with letter A and one starts with M.

First "A"

That first person is seem to be a nerd like me. But the difference, he doesn't go panic like I do. He's always at his cool side whatever the situation is. Talented like me. But another difference is he truly works hard unlike me. He even make his own income for his schooling, which I admired a lot. I always wish that I could bring back my old attitude so that I could do things like he does. Another which I also want to be like him is the attitude of being not intimidated at all cost. I should not be thinking of what other people think too much.

Second "A"

That person is one of the most important people in my life. The half-part of my heart. My future groom as everybody says. Although he always teases me even I'm depressed, he still gives me boost to be at myself again. He teaches me to be strong at all cost. Even though my parents are somewhat dislike him, he's still doing his best to prove someday that he's worth to be my man.

Third "A"

Another important guy of my life. The family's breadwinner. Even though I always disappoint him because of my hardheadedness, I'm still doing my best to prove that I give importance to them. I wanna fulfill the goals that they want for me and then next I will be the one who will be giving their needs, along with my younger sisters. I want them to feel that after all what I did I can make them proud by finishing my studies, having a fine job, steady living and happy life.

The One and Only "M"

An important woman who always gets mad at me even without reason. But I understand. I do think she's just like me who can think of things that might actually happen. She just think of a thing and then she makes assumptions that we actually or we will actually do it even we are not. But still I understand, she's just concerned of will I become. Even though I'm almost over fed of her lectures, I appreciate that she does it. Because of it, I won't be striving hard to correct my errors. Thanks to her she's still there for me and my sisters even though she had enough of giving lectures.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Suddenly Can't Breathe Well

I did some hacking stuff a while for to save someone from something (*this is confidential*). It's while time-consuming, energy-consuming and effort-consuming since I'm not used in doing this thing (*this is only special purpose stuff*). Well after doing that stuff, I feel quite tired so I went to sleep.

I laid at my bed, not lying on my back. Then I had a strange dream of something that I'm being choked up then when I woke up, I suddenly can't breathe well...

Some factors:
  • Not doing the proper sleeping position
  • Some paranormal activity (*i do believe in this sutff but it doesn't mean i don't believe in God...*)

(*just need to release some ideas*)

Monday, March 22, 2010

My first line art and digital coloring stuff...

My first line art and digital coloring stuff...

Comments and suggestions at this link ->!

Many thanks! <3

10 Things to do this Summer Vacation

10 Things to do this summer vacation:

  1. Study French, Thai, Nihongo, Cebuano and Tok Pisin
  2. Improve GFX techniques
  3. Make songs with VOCALOID and music maker
  4. Practice Line Art and digital coloring
  5. Attend Ozine Fest '10
  6. Martial Arts
  7. Enhance singing techniques.
  8. Create VFX
  9. Create my website
  10. Study programming

....*wish I could do all of these and may not procrastination strikes me*

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Wanna Study on FACA

I'm really looking forward to study on FACA(First Academy of Computer Arts) to improve my graphic skills. I always tell my parents that I wanna study after taking my Computer Engineering field of study. I even redundantly ask them that I wanna see FACA's building whenever we are Manila.

I'm thinking of studying on FACA after my graduation on my current course but I hope I could find some scholarship grant for me to fill my study needs there. It's quite expensive for me to study on FACA since we are not that rich for me to study another course.

I'm really looking forward to take some opportunity for me to study there until devPinoy, in cooperation with First Academy of Computer Arts, held its art contest. Whoever wins there will receive a scholarship grant from FACA. So I'm doing my best to create a good entry for that contest. But I'm doubt of not winning the competition since there are plenty of good artists who has better artworks than mine. But I will still join this event win or lose. You will never know what's going to happen.

My Formspring

I'm welcome for queries...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I want a Graphics Tablet

I want a Graphics Tablet!

I wanna do line art of my drawings in photoshop.

I wanna do color my drawings in photoshop.

I wanna be out of this world... be in to my mind of craziness...


I have to save money for me to buy that thingy.

I hope dad could buy me one....


They would just give it to me as a birthday gift.... ? :p


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nong Poy - My New Inspiration

I was in a deep depressed state these past few days until my classmate sent me a link to a slideshow entitled "The Most Beautiful Man in the World" and so I checked it out. And it was about a guy who went a sex change who is now known as Nong Poy (Treechada Marnyaporn, her real name).

I checked her videos on youtube and her images on google and I am so fascinated on what I saw there. She is so beautiful like a real woman. She is more feminine than me and that's why I'm so amazed.

Because of her, it came into my thought of making myself more feminine like her. Keeping my room (rather my bed and stuff) arranged, wearing simple clothes which really suits me, talking so sweet, keeping myself in a calm mood and many more.

Nong Poy made me realize more that I should love myself. To be simple and appreciate things that I have. Then now, I'm always in a good mood and not being so much disturbed to some factors to make myself feel so down.

Although Nong Poy is not biologically born female, I still consider her as a true example of femininity.